10 Day Miracle

Little Gideon was born on Christmas Day 12/25/2019 with some complications that have become a challenge for his parents to receive through insurance. Please help little Gideon with what he needs to thrive and recover from his brain injury.

Let’s help Gideon receive the love and kindness we all celebrate during Christmas by donating below.

Gideon’s Needs:

  • gait trainer
  • bath seat
  • portable 5 point harness chair
  • adaptive potty training seat
  • funds for his food
  • funds to go to intensive therapy programs that are not local to us
  • funds for special treatments that are not covered by insurance

If you are able to donate $100 or more in person at Sorrento’s, we would like to show our gratitude by offering dinner for two, including beverage for FREE; call-in take out only.

If you are unable to donate in person and take advantage of our gratitude; you may still donate online via GoFundMe.

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”